Mumbai Police has made a big revelation in the case of finding two Maruti Ertiga vehicles with the same registration number near Taj Hotel in Colaba, Mumbai. Police investigation has revealed that a car owner deliberately tampered with the number plate due to not being able to pay the EMI of the car. The purpose of this disturbance was to prevent the finance company from seizing his car.
How did the matter come to light?
- event location:
- Gateway of India near Taj Hotel.
- Event:
- Sakir Ali, a resident of Nariman Point, was passing by in his Ertiga car with number plate MH01-EE-2388.
- He noticed that another Ertiga car with the same registration number was parked nearby.
- Doubt:
- He immediately stopped his car and informed the police about this.
- Both the vehicles and their drivers were taken to Colaba Police Station.
Police investigation revealed
Police investigation revealed that the owner of the second Ertiga car is Prasad Kadam (resident of Navi Mumbai). He had deliberately tampered with the number plate of his car.
- The original number of Kadam’s car was MH01EE2383.
- He changed it to MH01EE2388.
- Reason:
- The finance company should not confiscate their car.
- Kadam had not paid the EMI of his car for several months.
Message of payment of challan becomes clue
- Sakir Ali started receiving messages on his mobile number regarding deduction of many challans.
- Ali said that his vehicle never went to those places from where the messages of issuing challans were coming.
- Information about toll evasion also reached him.
- He contacted the traffic police, but did not get any solution.
How was the number plate tampered with?
- The original registration number of Sakir Ali’s car was MH01EE2388.
- Prasad Kadam’s car number was MH01EE2383.
- Kadam changed the last digit of his number plate from ‘3’ to ‘8’ so that he could evade the recovery agents.
action against the accused
- Police have registered a case against Prasad Kadam and arrested him.
- Blame:
- Fraud and number plate manipulation.
- Police are now investigating Kadam’s vehicle and his other documents.