Lyricist Manoj Muntashir has come out in support of Kangana Ranaut and her Emergency, days after the release of the film got postponed as it did not receive censor certification. Emergency was scheduled to hit the big screens on September 6, however, controversies surrounding the film refuse to die down. Several Sikh groups have also demanded a ban on the film for portraying Sikhs in a negative light.

On Monday (September 2), Muntashir shared a video on his official social media accounts and requested the Sikh community to watch the film before passing any judgments. He also said that the film shows only facts.

“Why is this certificate game being played half-heartedly? It should be played fully. One more certificate should be snatched from us because we respect freedom of expression. Let’s talk about freedom of expression. What is the problem with Emergency… The problem is that the assassination of Indira Gandhi has been shown. So did Indira ji die in a road accident, was she not assassinated? The problem is that the killers of Indira Gandhi have been shown as Sikhs. So were Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, not Sikhs? The problem is that Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale has been shown as a terrorist. So was that brute who killed thousands of innocent people, not a terrorist?” Muntashir asked.

In the video, he is also heard saying, “They say the Sikh community has objections to these parts of the film. I am not ready to believe that the Sikhs who fearlessly stand up for the truth by chanting Ek Omkar Satnam got scared of the truth shown in a film. Sikhs are a golden page in the history of India. When they come out wearing a saffron turban on their head, the whole country looks at them with respect. Because every fold of that turban reflects the bravery of our great Gurus.”

Take a look at his video here:

Why was Emergency release postponed?

The release of Emergency was postponed amid a major controversy over its portrayal of the Sikh community. It sparked controversy over the alleged ‘misleading’ and ‘offensive portrayals’ of the Sikh community in the trailer.

Emergency also features Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and late actor Satish Kaushik. Besides playing former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi in the film, Kangana has also directed the movie.

Reacting to the postponement, Kangana said, “An Emergency has been imposed on my film too. It’s a sad state of affair. I’m quite disappointed by our country and whatever the circumstances are.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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