Divya Khossla, wife of Bhushan Kumar, lost her grandmother, a cancer survivor, sharing an emotional tribute on social media. While the cause of her grandmother’s death remains undisclosed, recalling her Nani as a strong, inspiring figure, the Savi actress, who also lost her mother, Anita Khosla, in 2023, shared unseen photos on her Instagram handle.
Sharing unseen photos with her nani, Divya wrote, “My Dearest Naniji left for her heavenly abode recently. The strongest woman I knew … a very successful businesswoman, a cancer survivor & an army officers wife .. my Nani was a very inspirational lady and the immense strength she had was what she passed down to my mother and my mother passed on to me ..After my Mom passed away 1.5 yrs back she kept telling me “Rona nahi hai” while she herself would cry loads … sorry naniji.”
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“I can not stop my tears!! because I miss u terribly & the way u always cheered for me always & always ………..Love you Infinite. God Bless Remembering all the memories.. End of an era for me!!,” she added.
In August 2024, Divya Khosla remembered her mother, Anita Khosla, on her birth anniversary. Sharing cherished photos with her mother, she wrote, “Happy Birthday Mamma…. Life will always be incomplete without you … I’m thankful for my time I got to spend with u in this lifetime my soul I love u. I miss u terribly…. There’s so much u taught me my anchor & my emotional support… my strength & my biggest cheerleader… Till I meet u again.”
On the work front, Divya was last seen in Savi, starring Anil Kapoor and Harshvardhan Rane. The film was directed by Abhinay Deo.