The heart pumps blood in the body, which provides oxygen and nutrients to all organs. If the functioning of our heart is affected, blood circulation is disrupted, which affects the blood vessels of the eyes. Cholesterol and heart attack also affects the eyes. It can also cause eyesight.

Eyes and hearts are the most important parts of our body. Without eyes, we cannot see the world and if the heart stops beating, we lose hope from life. Let me tell you that both are connected to each other. Most people consider heart diseases to be limited only to the heart. But heart related problems can also affect the eyes. Dr. Priyamvada Bhasin is giving information about this, Dr. Priyamvada Bhasin, Medical Director of Specialist Comprehensive Opthalmology, Squint and Vitro-Gentiles Specialist at Ratan Jyoti Netralaya, Gwalior. According to the expert, the health of the heart and blood circulation system is directly related to the health of the eyes. Let’s know about this in detail.

Heart disease

Experts say that the heart pumps blood in the body, which provides oxygen and nutrients to all organs. If the functioning of our heart is affected, blood circulation is disrupted, which affects the blood vessels of the eyes. Eyes are very sensitive organs and the small blood vessels present in them can be affected quickly with any heart related problems.

Can heart disease affect eye health?

High blood pressure and eye problems

Hypertension can damage small blood vessels in the eye, causing hypertensive retinopathy. This condition can cause vision blurry, swelling in the eyes and in severe cases may also cause loss of vision.

Heart disease and retinal artery interception

If the condition of the heart is not good, blood circulation may be disrupted, which can stop the retinal arteries of the eye. This is called a retinal artery obstruction, which can cause sudden vision loss.

  • High cholesterol can cause plaque to freeze in the blood vessels of the eyes, which can disrupt blood flow. This condition can cause embolism, causing temporary or permanent vision loss in one or both eyes.
  • Irregular heartbeat or atrial fibrillation can cause stroke, which affects the blood supply in the veins of the eyes. This condition can cause ischemic optic neuropathy, causing vision loss.

Heart disease is often associated with diabetes, and people suffering from diabetes may have a higher risk of diabetic retinopathy, in which the blood vessels of the eye start to be weakened and leaked, which can cause vision to become blurred or completely eliminate.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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