14 pending reports of CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General) regarding the functioning of the previous government of Delhi will be presented in the assembly on Tuesday. The political fierce fight has already intensified about these reports. The BJP government is adopting an attacking stance on Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Arvind Kejriwal.

BJP leaders allege that the Kejriwal government kept these reports pressed for three years, as they would reveal the alleged corruption of their government. Rekha Gupta government minister Manjinder Singh Sirsa reacted strongly to this and said that Kejriwal was afraid of exposing scams, so he did not allow these reports to appear in the assembly.

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Sirsa’s big allegation: “Kejriwal looted Delhi”

In a conversation with reporters before going to the assembly, Manjinder Singh Sirsa said-

“Today, Arvind Kejriwal’s scams will be exposed in the Delhi Assembly. The CAG report kept pressing for three years will be introduced one by one. The raw letters of the robbery that took place during Kejriwal’s tenure will come in front of the public. ”

He further alleged that –

“Kejriwal knew that after the CAG report came out, his government’s corruption will be exposed, so he kept it suppressed. But now they cannot hide it further, because the government has changed. This was the first government to not table in the Assembly till the CAG report, for which the opposition had to go to the High Court. ”

“Proof of staunch dishonesty”: BJP’s sharp attack

Sirsa attacked the Aam Aadmi Party and said-

“Think, how many staunch dishonests are Kejriwal’s CAG reports were not allowed to be submitted. It was kept pressing for three years so that the people of Delhi would not know the truth. But now every scam will be exposed. “

“AAP’s black exploits will be exposed”: BJP President Virendra Sachdeva

Before presenting the CAG report, Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva also targeted the Kejriwal government. He said-

“The CAG report is a letter of black exploits of ‘AAP’. We had promised in the election that whoever has done corruption has to answer. Today, when the CAG report is presented after the Lieutenant Governor’s speech, the people of Delhi will know how their hard earned money was looted. ”

Pressure may increase further on AAP

The arrival of the CAG report can increase difficulties for AAP. The BJP can make this report a big weapon against the Kejriwal government. Now it has to be seen what the revelations are in the report and what AAP answers.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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