ganesh chaturthi 2024 : Ganesh Chaturthi fast has special significance in Hinduism. Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as Ganeshotsav. This festival is celebrated every year on the Chaturthi date of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrava month. There is a tradition of worshiping Bappa on this day. Let us tell you that this year Ganesh Utsav will be celebrated on 7 September. Lord Ganesha is considered the first worshiped deity. There is a tradition of worshiping Bappa before all the gods and goddesses. Now in such a situation, which things are considered auspicious to buy before Ganesh Chaturthi? Know about it in detail from Astrologer Pandit Arvind Tripathi.
Bring a conch shell into your home before Ganesh Chaturthi
Shankha is considered a symbol of Lord Vishnu. Blowing the conch on Ganesh Chaturthi pleases Lord Ganesha and brings happiness and prosperity in the house. Shankha is considered an effective remedy to remove Vastu defects. Keeping it in the right direction in the house removes negative energy. Buying a conch before Ganesh Chaturthi brings desired results.
Bring green cloth at home before Ganesh Chaturthi
Green color symbolizes natural beauty and prosperity. It is believed that Lord Ganesha loves green color. So by wearing green clothes or offering green clothes to Lord Ganesha during Ganesh Chaturthi, you can get his blessings. Also buy green clothes before Ganesh Chaturthi.
Bring home a silver urn before Ganesh Chaturthi
Silver is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Lord Ganesha is also considered the god of wealth, so bringing a silver Kalash increases wealth in the house. Not only this, you can also buy silver coins on this day. This can give great results.
Bring cardamom home before Ganesh Chaturthi
Cardamom is considered a symbol of auspiciousness and prosperity. It is believed that cardamom has the power to remove negative energy and attract positive energy. It is believed that Lord Ganesha likes cardamom very much. Therefore, cardamom is offered to Lord Ganesha. On the day of Ganesh Chaturthi, tie 5 cardamoms in a red cloth and keep it in the place where you keep money, this increases wealth.