An incident that puts humanity to shame has come to light in Ganganagar Colony of Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh. A retired policeman killed a puppy sleeping on the road by repeatedly running him over with his car. This entire incident was captured in CCTV camera, the video of which went viral on social media.
incident details
According to the CCTV footage, the accused retired policeman ran his car over the puppy and then turned and crushed him again. After this, he backed the car and crushed the puppy for the third time. The puppy died after suffering for a few seconds. After the incident, the accused parked the car on the side and went to his home.
DIG took cognizance, FIR registered
After the video went viral on social media, Meerut Range DIG Kalanidhi Naithani took cognizance of the matter. On his instructions, Bulandshahr police took action and registered a case against the accused.
- Introduction of the accused: The accused had retired from the police department in the year 2015.
- Police statement: SSP Rijul Kumar said that the accused is being detained and interrogated. Appropriate legal action will be taken in the matter.
Outrage on social media
After the video went viral, there is anger among the people regarding the incident. This incident is not only a case of animal cruelty but also raises questions on morality and sensitivity in the society.
Police have assured that strict action will be taken against the culprit.