New Delhi: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh President Mohan Bhagwat has become angry with some people who raised the ongoing temple-mosque dispute in the country. He said in a program in Pune that after the construction of Ram temple, some people in the country want to become Hindu leaders by raising such issues. Ram temple was a matter of faith for Hindus, but just by building Ram temple one does not become a Hindu leader. Along with this, raising the issue of new places in the country and increasing hatred and enmity in the society is unacceptable. We have to set an example of inclusivity and goodwill before the world.

RSS President Mohan Bhagwat, while speaking on the topic ‘Bharat Vishwaguru’ at the Sahajeevan lecture series in Pune, appealed to the people not to raise issues like Ram Temple at other places. He also quipped that some people want to prove themselves as leaders of Hindus by raising the new issue of temple-mosque. People who raise such issues think that in this way they will become Hindu leaders. He said that Ram temple is a matter of faith and Hindus feel that it should be built. But just because someone builds a Ram temple, one does not become a Hindu leader. Bhagwat did not take anyone’s name at this time, but it is believed that he has targeted PM Modi.

Bhagwat said, we should not raise the issue like Ram temple at other religious places. India is going to become a world leader in the next 20 years, hence we should behave with such generosity and maturity. Not only this, we are not talking about becoming a superpower but a world leader. Because we know how a person starts behaving after becoming a superpower. Trying to pursue our personal interests under the guise of a superpower cannot be our way.

He said that whatever may have been our history, it does not mean that we have reached the pinnacle of hatred. It is unacceptable to continuously raise the issue of new places that increase hatred and enmity. The solution to this is that we present an example to the world of harmonious co-existence of all religions and ideologies. Extremism, aggression, use of force and disrespect for others’ debts are not our culture. There is no majority or minority here. We are all one.

The Central President said that we have been living with goodwill for a long time. If we want to spread this goodwill in the world, we have to model it. All people in this country should be allowed to follow their own method of worship. Christmas is celebrated here in Ramakrishna Mission. Only we can do this because we are Hindus. He said that now every day a new issue of temple-mosque is being raised. How can this be allowed? This won’t work. India has to show the world that we can all live together. However, during this time he did not take the name of any specific issue or place. Indians should learn from past mistakes. Without naming Muslims, Bhagwat said, some groups from outside have brought with them fanaticism and they want their old rule to come back. But now the country is running according to the Constitution. In this system the public elects its representatives, who run the government. Gone are the days of dominance. The reign of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb was also known for such fanaticism. However, his descendant Bahadur Shah Zafar banned cow slaughter in 1857.

He said it was decided that the Ram temple in Ayodhya should be given to Hindus, but the British realized this and created a rift between the two communities. Since then the feeling of separatism came into existence. As a result, Pakistan came into existence.

New disputes threaten to destroy communal unity

Claims of demolishing temples and building mosques at new places are increasing.

– Amidst the disputes in Kashi, Mathura and Varanasi, new disputes arose in Sambhal, Badaun, Ajmer Sharif.

New Delhi: After the establishment of Ram temple in Ayodhya, survey of many mosques in the country has started with the claim that they were temples, amid controversies like Kashi, Mathura, Varanasi, Taj Mahal and new places like Sambhal, Ajmer Dargah Sharif. Has also been included in it. ,Bhojshala. This is the reason why Mohan Bhagwat had to be advised not to create new controversies.

At the time of the Ayodhya dispute, the Hindu side demanded that if the Muslim side handed over the disputed religious places of Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura, then the Hindu side would also give up its claim on the mosques built by demolishing all the temples. in the rest of the country, but this agreement could not be reached. Now Ram temple has been built in Ayodhya by the order of the Supreme Court. In such a situation, the number of cases of survey and declaration of mosques has increased significantly in June 2022. Mohan Bhagwat has advised to avoid temple-mosque disputes. At that time the issue of survey of Janvapi Masjid was a hot topic in Banaras. Even at that time, there was a demand for survey of Taj Mahal, sometimes of Bhojshala and sometimes of Qutub Minar. The Sangh President had also said at that time that a new issue should not be raised every day. Why should the conflict escalate? There is no need to search for Shivalinga in every mosque.

Even in the present times, new temple-mosque disputes are coming to the fore. After Jama Masjid in Sambhal, amid the temple-mosque dispute in Kashi, Mathura and Varanasi, mosques were claimed in many places like Badaun, Fatehpur Sikri, Bareilly. Along with this, the world famous Ajmer Sharif Mosque of Rajasthan was also a temple earlier. There are claims that the Atala Masjid of Jaunpur was also a temple. A demand has also been made to conduct a survey at all these places. Their cases have also reached the court. Raising new issues like this can harm communal harmony in the country. Therefore, the Sangh President has again advised not to create disputes at new places.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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