Budhaditya Yoga 2025: The month of February is going to be special in terms of planet transit. From the beginning of February, the change in the movement of the planets has started. Now, an important transit will occur on 11 February. On Tuesday, February 11, at 12.58 pm, Mercury will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius. After this, the Sun will transit in Aquarius on Wednesday and 12 February. Aquarius is the zodiac sign of Saturn. The Sun and Mercury will be together in the zodiac sign of Saturn, which will make Budhaditya Yoga. This yoga is considered auspicious in astrology. Its importance increases because this time Mercury Aditya Yoga is becoming in the original triangle zodiac of Saturn. Due to which Mercury and Sun as well as Saturn will also bless the natives of three zodiac signs.
Importance of Budhaditya Yoga in Aquarius
When the Sun and Mercury are together in the same zodiac, Budhaditya Yoga is formed. Budhaditya yoga is formed in different zodiac signs throughout the year. But in the year 2025, the zodiac sign of Saturn is going to be Budhaditya Yoga in Kumbh. Saturn is already transiting in Aquarius. In the presence of Saturn, the auspicious coincidence of Sun and Mercury will be created. With which the people of the three zodiac signs will get the most benefit personally. Let us tell you what are these three zodiac signs and what will be the benefit from them.
Budhaditya Yoga in Aquarius will make these 3 zodiac signs rich
The lord of Gemini is the planet Mercury. Therefore, this yoga will prove to be very auspicious for career, education and business. Working people are also getting opportunities for promotion or increment. This will be the right time for those who want to start a new business. There will be a continuous arrival of money in business. People associated with IT, media, marketing and writing can get new opportunities. During this time, students will get success. You can get good news in the family.
People of this zodiac are likely to get benefits in business and economic sector. There will also be good profits in real estate, stock market and foreign investment. At the workplace you may get increases or new responsibilities. Sweetness will increase in married life. If your relationship with someone was bad, they would improve. You will get success in whatever work you do during this time.
Budhaditya yoga will be made in Aquarius, so this yoga is also auspicious for Aquarius. Wisdom and decision -making ability will improve. People working in high positions in government jobs can get new responsibilities. The business class can get a new deal. There is a favorable time for students preparing for education and competitive examinations. There will be sweetness in married life and relationships will become stronger.