Barmer, August 4 (HS). A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan posted at Bhada post of India-Pakistan International Border under Bakhasar police station of Barmer district committed suicide by shooting himself with his service rifle during duty. The jawan was posted on the watch tower on Sunday morning. On receiving information about the incident, BSF officers reached the spot and after inspection informed the police.

Bakhasar Thanadhikari Vishal Kumar said that Constable Banarasi Lal (50), a resident of Jammu and Kashmir, was in the 83rd BSF Battalion and was posted at BSF post 3 Alpha in Bakhasar. He was on duty on the watch tower from 5 am on Sunday morning. Meanwhile, at 8 am, he shot himself with his service rifle. Suddenly, hearing the sound of the bullet, his fellow soldiers rushed to the spot, and Banarasi Lal was lying under the watch tower soaked in blood. According to the Thanadhikari, information was received at around 8.30 am that the soldier had committed suicide. On this, he reached the spot and inspected the scene of the incident. The body has been sent from there to the mortuary of Barmer Medical College. The reason for the suicide is not yet known. The soldier’s family has been informed.

FSL team collected evidence from the spot

Barmer ASP Jasaram Bose said that BSF constable Banarasi Lal committed suicide by shooting himself with his service rifle. The FSL team has collected evidence from the spot. However, the reason for the suicide can be revealed only after investigation. The jawan had been working in the army for about 26 years.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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