Elon Musk-led social media platform, X’s worries in Brazil are only increasing. A few days ago, the company was banned in Brazil for not complying the country’s laws. Thereafter the country’s Supreme Court espoused the ban and upheld the decision.
Fines for VPNs
This came as a big blow to the company, which according to reports has over 22 million users in the Latin American country.
In addition to this, the Lula da Silva-led government has further tightened the screws on users trying to access the platform.
The government reportedly will impose fines on those Brazilians who try to contravene the ban and try and access it through the means of Virtual Private Networks or VPNs, which try to help internet users bypass such bans to access sites that are out of reach.
These fines will amount to USD 8,900 or a mammoth Rs 7.4 lakh.
Musk reacted to this development while reacting to a community note on a post, which in turn corrected a post that claimed that VPN services can be freely used to access the social media platform.
Reacting ferociously to the post, Musk said, “Turns out that the evil dictator Morones is in fact a very evil dictator and has banned VPNs”
Musk’s Rightward Le.ng
Musk has been incessant on his attacks on the Brazilian government. He has frequently targeted Lula Da Silva. But his main ‘opponent’ in the whole incident has been the country’s Minister of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil, Alexandre de Moraes. He has consistently indulged in name-calling of the minister, terming him as evil and even sharing pejorative memes, mocking Moraes.
Ever since buying Twitter, now X for USD 44 billion, in a contentious transaction, Elon Musk has been accused of driving the platform more towards the ‘right’.
This is also the case in Brazil, where Musk was accused of being an ardent supporter of former Right-Wing Brazil president, Jair Bolsonaro, whose supporters incidentally tried to overthrow the elected Brazilian government in 2023.