Mumbai – The police department in general is notorious for corruption. But, officials of Nizampur Municipality of Bhiwandi in Thane district demanded bribe from a policeman. The beat inspector, who had taken the first installment of bribe on behalf of the Assistant Commissioner who had demanded a bribe of Rs 1.30 lakh for not demolishing the building, was caught red handed.
ACB laid a trap on Saturday and asked one of the accused to pay Rs. Rang caught his hand while taking a bribe of Rs 50 thousand.
The ACB arrested 56-year-old Assistant Commissioner Sunil Bhoir and 43-year-old Inspector Amol Vargade under the Prevention of Corruption Act. According to the ACB, both the officers initially demanded a bribe of Rs 1.5 lakh from the complainant police employee.
So that the prosecution in Bhiwandi cannot be sabotaged. However, the amount was eventually reduced to Rs 1.3 lakh as the complainant could not pay that much. After this the complainant lodged a complaint with ACB.
Based on the complaint, the ACB laid a trap at Nizampur Municipal Corporation, Bhiwandi for further investigation. In which, on behalf of the accused Beat Inspector, Rs. While taking the first installment of Rs 50 thousand, he was caught red handed.
The ACB registered a case against both the accused under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act and arrested the two municipal corporation officials.