Amidst the ongoing agitation regarding Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) examination. Jan Suraj Prashant Kishor, the mastermind of this, was arrested by Patna Police in the early hours of Monday. Patna District Magistrate Chandrashekhar confirmed his arrest and said that he has been kept at a safe place. According to initial information, Prashant Kishore has been kept in Piplawan police station located in Naubatpur, Patna. At the same time, after being detained from Gandhi Maidan, his health checkup was done at Patna AIIMS.
Prashant Kishore found fit in health checkup
Patna DM Chandrashekhar said that Prashant Kishore’s health checkup was done at Patna AIIMS on Monday morning, in which he was found completely healthy. The District Magistrate further said that he will be produced in the court after 10 am. However, the information about where Prashant Kishore has been kept at present has not been made public. According to DM, no one has been allowed to meet Prashant Kishore.
Case registered for protesting at a restricted site
A case has been registered against Prashant Kishor for staging a protest at Gandhi Maidan. Police say that demonstration is not allowed in Gandhi Maidan. Gardnibagh area has been marked for the demonstration. Prashant Kishore was arrested for violating this rule.
Jan Suraj The party alleged in a statement that the police took Prashant Kishore to Patna AIIMS, but could not get him admitted there. After this the police took him to Piplawan police station in Naubatpur. According to the party, Prashant Kishore’s fast is still continuing.
Clash between police and supporters
While arresting Prashant Kishor, police and Jan Suraj A clash broke out between the supporters.
- Police had to use force in Gandhi Maidan and Patna AIIMS.
- This incident, which took place early in the morning, created an uproar in the area.
- In protest against the arrest of Prashant Kishore Jan Suraj Has called for a statewide demonstration on Monday.
Prashant Kishor’s movement and BPSC exam controversy
Prashant Kishore’s role in the ongoing movement regarding BPSC examination has made it a big issue.
- Jan Suraj The leaders are continuously alleging irregularities in the examination process.
- Prashant Kishor tried to raise the issues of the students through a dharna at Gandhi Maidan, but considering it a violation of the rules, the police took action.
Increasing tension in political environment
The political atmosphere of Bihar has heated up amid the arrest of Prashant Kishore and the protests by his supporters.
- Opposition parties have raised questions on the strictness of the government and administration.
- Jan Suraj The political turmoil in Bihar may increase further on Monday due to the statewide demonstration by supporters.