New Delhi: The Winter Session of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha was adjourned for the day on Tuesday after unruly scenes broke out during the proceedings. Members of Parliament from both the opposition and treasury benches exchanged heated remarks, leading to a disruption in the day’s schedule.

When the Lok Sabha convened, Speaker Om Birla expressed concern over what he termed as “undignified demonstrations” in Parliament premises. “Such behavior is not in line with the norms of this House,” he stated, urging senior leaders to maintain decorum and set a positive example for the nation.

Birla highlighted the importance of articulating differences respectfully, noting that over the past 75 years, Parliament has been a platform for constructive debate. The session was marked by accusations from both sides.

Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Criticises Govt For Avoiding Discussions

Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra criticized the government for avoiding discussions. “We try every day to have a discussion, but they don’t want to have a discussion…that’s why they get the House adjourned through any reason…” she said. Opposition MPs later protested on the Parliament steps, demanding a government response on the Adani controversy.

Accusation Made By Congress MP KC Venugopal

Congress MP KC Venugopal accused the government of stalling Parliament. “The govt is saying that the Opposition is not allowing Parliament to run. But it is the govt which has decided to not run the Parliament.” he alleged.

Statement Of Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi

Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi said, “Today we saw in the Parliament that the Speaker talked about the dignity of the House and when the Question Hour started, the members of the ruling party gave an excuse to adjourn the House… We have been seeing for last many days that the House is not running because of the ruling party…”

Union Minister Kiren Rijiju Accuses Congress Of Having Links With George Soros

Meanwhile, Union Minister Kiren Rijiju countered by accusing the Congress of links with American billionaire George Soros. “This link between George Soros and Congress leadership is not an allegation made by the BJP. It is a report in the public domain and everybody is aware of that. Rahul Gandhi’s conduct and all his activities are very well known to the people.”

“The matter is serious. It’s not a matter concerning the BJP only. It is a matter concerning the entire nation. When it comes to national interests, we all have to stand together and be united. George Soros has openly declared war against India and the Indian government”, said Rijiju.

Accusation Made By Union Minister Giriraj Singh Against Congress

Union Minister Giriraj Singh accused the Congress of not letting the house run, “Why are they not giving a clarification and what is George Soros’ connection with Sonia Gandhi? They are not letting the House run and then creating chaos outside the House.”

BJP MP Rajiv Pratap Rudy also criticized the Opposition, accusing them of contradictions. “Hear the slogans being shouted…They themselves make noise and then say that run the House…There is a lot of contradiction here. Congress will have to answer,” Rudy said.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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