The prestigious Test series played between India and Australia, known as the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, holds a special place in cricket history. This trophy is named after great Australian batsman Allan Border and great Indian batsman Sunil Gavaskar. But, a controversy erupted after the conclusion of the 2024–25 Border-Gavaskar Trophy, when Cricket Australia invited only Allan Border for the trophy presentation, while Sunil Gavaskar was also present on the field.
Sunil Gavaskar’s displeasure
Australia defeated India by 6 wickets in the Sydney Test to win the series 3-1 and won this trophy after ten years. Only Allan Border was called to present the trophy, while Sunil Gavaskar was ignored.
Gavaskar expressed his displeasure on this and said:
“This is the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, representing both India and Australia. I would have been happy to attend the trophy presentation, even though it was being awarded to Australia. Allan Border is a good friend of mine and it would have been an honor to present the trophy with him.”
This has happened before too
This is not the first time that Gavaskar was ignored.
- 2018-19 Series: Allan Border presented the trophy to the Indian team when India won the trophy.
- 2020-21 Series: Due to the Corona epidemic, captain Ajinkya Rahane lifted the trophy alone.
- 2022-23 Series: Sunil Gavaskar himself presented the trophy to captain Rohit Sharma.
This time, not calling Gavaskar despite his presence on the field raises questions on Cricket Australia’s attitude.
Gavaskar’s statement
Speaking to Code Sports, Gavaskar said:
“I don’t care that the trophy was being given to Australia. They played excellent cricket and won. But, this trophy is related to both India and Australia. I was there and would have been happy to present the trophy.”
History of Border-Gavaskar Trophy
- 1996-97: India and Australia competed for this trophy for the first time.
- Winning teams so far:
- India: 4 times
- Australia: 3 times (including 2024-25)
This series has given a new height to the cricket rivalry between the two countries.
Australia’s historic victory
The 2024-25 Border-Gavaskar Trophy was very special for Australia.
- Sydney Test: Australia won by 6 wickets.
- Series Score: 3-1
- Ten years of wait: Australia won this trophy after 10 years.
Question on ignoring Gavaskar
Cricket lovers and experts believe that Cricket Australia should have included Sunil Gavaskar, as this trophy is in the name of both the great players. This incident has sparked a new debate between the Indian and Australian cricket boards regarding respect and protocol.