Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Do Epic Shit by Ankur Warikoo is simple in tone, but heavy in knowledge, offering a reassuring message: IT’S OKAY TO BE NOT OKAY.

We’re all learning here, on a path of discovery with our share of ups and downs, and we all learn through our own struggles. 

Warikoo shares motivation through his failures on his expedition called-Life. Every scar, every defeat and every victory is a sign of a warrior and through his life journey, the author sheds light on his biggest learnings which stemmed out of his greatest failures. 

This book teaches you to embrace your vulnerability and gives you career as well as life mantras while maintaining a perfect balance of emotions and pragmatism. 

Age no bar to new beginnings

Also, new beginnings are directly proportional to ‘age no bar’ is what the author keeps focusing on. 

After finishing this read, one message will be crystal clear: Life is like a popular game of ‘Temple Run’ where you run, you fall, you stand up, you learn a lesson, you explore beyond the unspoken and you bounce back stronger.  

However, the definition of success is different for all, so, in a nutshell, you do you, the rest will follow. 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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