Mumbai: The Maharashtra government has informed the Bombay High Court that it has established safe houses and special cells for interfaith and inter-caste couples across the state. A circular to this effect was issued on December 18, and the details will soon be available on the home department’s website and social media platforms.
The statement was made during the hearing of a plea by a 23-year-old interfaith couple seeking safe accommodation in Mumbai due to threats from their families, who oppose their marriage. The couple had submitted a notice of marriage registration to the Sub-Registrar’s Office.
A division bench of Justices Revati Mohite-Dere and Prithviraj Chavan directed the authorities to immediately provide the petitioners with a designated safe house.
The court also instructed the local police to deploy an additional guard at the safe house to prevent any untoward incident. Further, the bench asked the police to decide within 48 hours on the man’s application for protection as he is set to begin a new job next week.
Earlier, on December 10, the court had suggested converting rooms in state guest houses across districts into safe houses for couples facing threats over interfaith or inter-caste relationships, citing the presence of existing police security at such premises.
The bench had also questioned the Social Justice and Home departments regarding compliance with the Supreme Court’s 2018 guidelines on ensuring protection for such couples.
During the hearing on Thursday, the State’s advocate informed the court that special cells and safe houses have been set up for couples, regardless of marital status, as per the circular. The court accepted the government’s assurance to allocate a safe house to the petitioners that same evening. The matter is scheduled for further hearing on January 6.