Mumbai: The Bombay High Court has issued rules and regulations to be followed for hearings conducted through video conferencing in the state. These rules will come into force on December 29 for any hearing held via video conferencing.
The rules make way for accessibility of the proceedings to the general public as under the Indian law the courts are defined as open court where general people can also attend the hearing.
“In order to observe the requirement of an open court proceeding, members of the public will be allowed to view court hearings conducted through video conferencing, except proceedings ordered for reasons recorded in writing to be conducted in-camera,” reads the rule.
The rules would be applicable in all the judicial proceedings which are required to be held through video conferencing, in cases the person cannot physically present in the court.
The rules enables court proceedings to be conducted in case the person is outside India, he can appear from the office of Indian consulate, high commission or any place mutually agreed by the nation.
In case, where the person is in India, he can join the proceedings from a nearby nominated District judge. In case the person is in prison, remand home, observation room, women rescue center or government hospital, the person can appear through the office of superintendent. Besides, the person can join the court proceedings from any other place with explicit permission of the court.