Mumbai: Granting bail to a 32-year-old IIM graduate accused of driving his car in an inebriated state, the Bombay High Court has ordered him to stand at a busy signal in the city holding a ‘Don’t Drink and Drive’ banner every weekend for three months.
Justice Milind Jadhav granted bail to one Sabyasachi Devpriya Nishank, an IIM- Lucknow graduate, on a bond of Rs 1 lakh.
Nishank, who is working in a senior position with a private company, was arrested in November 2024 for allegedly driving his car in an inebriated state and ramming his vehicle at two police posts without stopping. He was accosted by the police later.
In its order, the court noted that Nishank was a MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow and comes from a decent family. Moreover, Nishank was in custody since two months and further incarceration was not warranted considering his future prospects and his age, it added.
“However as is prima facie evident from the record the applicant (Nishank) was driving in a negligent manner in an inebriated state and disobeyed directions of the First Informant / Complainant and also caused damage to public property (barricades),” Justice Jadhav said.
The judge directed Nishank to perform community service as one of the condition for grant of this bail. He has been asked to report to the traffic officer manning the signal at the Worli Naka Junction in central Mumbai, who shall then depute him to stand in a visibly well lit place on the footpath facing the road for three hours on every Saturday and Sunday for three months.
“The applicant (Nishank) shall hold a flex banner (black lettering and white background) admeasuring 4 feet X 3 feet (which shall be prepared by him at the instruction of the Traffic Officer) in his hands which shall state the words “Don’t Drink and Drive” in bold and big font along with coloured graphic image stating the same,” the judge said.
This was to create and spread awareness and message about the ills of drinking and driving and its harmful effects, the court concluded.