In Gurugram, Haryana, police have imposed a fine of Rs 15,500 on rapper Badshah’s Thar car. The Thar car was going on the wrong side. This Thar car does not belong to Badshah. Police have imposed 3 sections for breaking traffic rules.


Badshah had come to Karan Aujla’s concert in Sector-68, Gurugram. Meanwhile, the vehicles included in his convoy were being taken from the wrong side. After this, people raised questions on social media platform X. After this post went viral, the police took action. Thar is registered in the name of a youth from Panipat. On December 16, Gurugram traffic police issued a challan of Rs 15,500 for the Thar vehicle. Apart from this, CCTV footage was also captured. According to police sources, Badshah was traveling in a black Thar car registered in the name of a youth from Panipat. Gurugram Police also responded saying that the police has issued a memo to these vehicles for driving in the wrong direction. The police took action against playing music in the vehicle, driving in the wrong direction and reckless driving, the police said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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