The pain in the body is not only related to physical reasons, but it is also related to your emotional state. Through yoga we can reduce physical problems. But if you understand the cause of pain and do proper yoga, you will get more relief. Let us know which yoga asana is beneficial for pain in which part of the body.
1. Back pain
Lower back pain is often associated with a feeling of fear and insecurity. To reduce this pain, practice daily bending your shoulders and touching your chest.
2. Hip Pain
Hip pain troubles many women, and it is sometimes linked to old pain or memories. Doing Paschimottasana daily proves beneficial for hip pain.
3. Stomach ache
Stomach discomfort and pain are often caused by anxiety and stress. To get relief from this, practice Cat Cow Pose.
4. Shoulder pain and stiffness
Shoulder pain and stiffness may be experienced due to anger and frustration. To get relief from this pain, doing Garudasana daily will be beneficial.
5. Chest Tightness
If you feel chest tightness, it can often be caused by sadness or discomfort. To get relief from this type of pain, do Bhujangasana.
Yoga is important not only for physical health but also for mental and emotional health. Through proper yoga asanas, you can reduce your pain and move towards a healthy life.