Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Even after Supreme Court directive, piped-water supply system remains out of track in gas victims’ colonies located in the vicinity of Union Carbide Corporation plant. According to Bhopal Municipal Corporation, it supplies pure water in all the 42 notified gas victims’ colonies in vicinity of UCC plant.
Kolar water supply line has been laid in these colonies. Some areas have benefited from Narmada Tap Water Scheme while temporary tanks supply drinking water in other colonies. However, the gas victims in their affidavit filed in Supreme Court stated that broken pipelines and leakages are common in Bluemoon Colony, Phuta Makbara, Risaldar Colony, Shiv Nagar, Gareeb Nagar, Ayub Nagar, Arif Nagar allowing dirty water to flow from taps.
Presently, the residents are compelled to use contaminated water flowing from drains, aggravating their health problems further. In Phutamakabra, 150 houses do not have proper water connection. About 20 houses lack proper water supply connection in Shiv Nagar.
In Ayub Nagar, 40 houses do not have water connection. If there is water supply, low water pressure is another problem. In May 2004, the apex court had directed state government to ensure supply of safe drinking water in 14 localities around Union Carbide plant. Later, SC increased number of such colonies to 22, which finally rose to 42.
Recently, Supreme Court, recognising the gravity of the situation, mandated an inspection to assess the extent of the crisis. Manoj Singh, the joint secretary of Madhya Pradesh District Legal Authority, had asked chairman of Bhopal District Legal Service Authority to conduct a thorough examination of affected areas and collect groundwater samples.
Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board and Public Engineering Department had collected samples from five locations. The sample test report confirmed presence of contaminated groundwater, stating there is urgent need for intervention to curb escalating crisis.
“Residents continue to receive polluted groundwater. BMC’s failure to comply with the court’s directive amounts to contempt of court,” Rachna Dhingra of Bhopal Group for Information and Action said. BMC superintending engineer (water supply) Udit Garg said,
“BMC administration has ensured piped water supply in 42 colonies of gas victims as per directive of Supreme Court. We have done it.”