The Maharashtra unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will launch a special statewide membership drive on January 5. The aim of this campaign is to add 25 lakh new members to the party in a single day. Several prominent leaders including Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and State President Chandrakant Bawankule will lead the campaign in Nagpur.

Campaign Details:

  • Target:

    Every booth worker has been instructed to add more than 250 new members.
    A target has been set to make 50,000 members in 288 assembly constituencies of the state.

  • Start:

    The campaign was launched in December, and will be held on a large scale on January 5.

  • Prominent Leaders:

    Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Chandrakant Bawankule will participate in the campaign in Nagpur.

Latest developments:

Many workers of Shiv Sena (Uddhav faction) and Bahujan Vikas Aghadi (BVA) from Vasai and Naigaon in Palghar district joined BJP. The party has started preparations to gain a strong hold in these areas in the 2024 assembly elections.

Political meaning:

  1. Power Performance:

    This campaign of BJP is being seen as a show of strength for allies Ajit Pawar and Eknath Shinde.

  2. Preparation for civic elections:

    There are possibilities that BJP may contest alone in the civic elections.

  3. Strategy of RSS and BJP:

    Both the organizations have started the process of creating an atmosphere in the state. Membership campaign is being considered a part of this strategy.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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