Mumbai: Following an FIR lodged by the Congress party against BJP workers for allegedly vandalizing the Mumbai Congress office in the Azad Maidan area on Thursday, December 19, the BJP has filed a counter-complaint. The BJP has accused 10–15 Congress workers of molestation and manhandling, filing the complaint at the Azad Maidan Police Station. The case was registered based on a complaint by a woman member of the BJP’s youth wing, and an investigation has been initiated.

According to the Azad Maidan police, the complaint was filed by a BJP woman worker. In her statement, she alleged that on December 19, around 4:35 PM, she had gone to protest at the Congress office on the instructions of her party leader. After participating in the protest, as she was leaving, 8–10 Congress workers, who were in a house adjacent to the Congress office, started abusing her and threatened to tear her clothes.

She further claimed that the Congress workers grabbed her from behind and attempted to molest her. Somehow, she managed to escape and reached the footpath near Cama Hospital. However, the Congress workers allegedly followed her there, physically assaulting and manhandling her. She stated that the police eventually dispersed the Congress workers. Later, she witnessed 10–15 Congress workers assaulting BJP Youth Wing President Tejinder Tiwana.

Based on her complaint, the police have registered a case under Sections 74, 79, and 115 of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) Act and initiated further investigation. Earlier on December 19, the Congress had filed an FIR against BJP workers, accusing them of vandalizing the Mumbai Congress office and making other allegations. The police are investigating both cases.

This escalating clash between BJP and Congress workers has sparked a political controversy, with both sides blaming each other for violence and misconduct.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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