New Delhi For the second day in a row on Friday the Congress raised the Adani issue in Parliament to attack Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party tried to counter it by accusing Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of having close ties with ‘Modi baiter’ American businessman George Soros.
While the raising of the issue led to an adjournment in Lok Sabha within a minute of the House assembling at 11 a.m., later at noon loud protests that followed BJP MP Nishikant Dubey’s allegations on Gandhi-Soros matter led to the House being adjourned for the day. Before the sitting began, the Congress MPs – including Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Vadra Gandhi — accompanied by some other INDIA bloc party leaders held a protest near Makar Dwar of the Parliament building wearing black masks which had “Modi Adani Bhai Bhai” written on them.
Protesting MPs Stage A Brief March
The protesting MPs staged a brief march with the masks on before entering the House wearing them. In the Lok Sabha, Speaker Om Birla objected to this and told Congress general secretary and MP K.C. Venugopal who wanted to raise the Adani issue, “You do not want to run the House? It will run through decorum and in accordance with the highest traditions.” When the Opposition MPs persisted with their demand for a discussion on the issue, the Speaker urged them to let the Question Hour take place. On not getting a positive response, he adjourned the House till 12 noon.
When the House re-assembled, BJP MP Dilip Saikia was in the Chair. Before he could start the Zero Hour proceedings, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey, who had on Thursday accused Rahul Gandhi of having close ties with Soros, got up to speak. As the Chair allowed him to do so, the Opposition members — who had walked out on Thursday against his remarks – again raised objections. They asked why, when their privilege motion notices were rejected, was Dubey being allowed to speak. Saikia then said the privilege motion notice moved by Congress MP Hibi Eden against BJP MP Sambit Patra for his remarks calling Gandhi a “traitor of the highest order” was under consideration.
About The Claim Made By Congress
The Congress had claimed that the words used by the BJP lawmaker at a press conference were “completely defamatory and unparliamentary”. As Dubey again raised the issue of Soros, Opposition MPs protested loudly. However, with the mikes on, the BJP MP was heard proclaiming loudly, “Congress ka haath, Soros ke saath”.
He also claimed that the Opposition party had links with the investigative network Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) which received funds from the US government and George Soros. Dubey then asked, “Did Rahul Gandhi take money from George Soros for Bharat Jodo Yatra?” This led to a commotion in the House following which the proceedings were adjourned for the day