Koderma, 4 December (Hindustan Reporter). On the third consecutive victory of BJP from Koderma, MLA Dr. Neera Yadav took out a gratitude yatra in various areas of Satgawan block on Wednesday. During the yatra, the workers first reached Donaiya turn and gave him a grand welcome. Also, a gratitude march was taken out to Khutta Mod, Kalidih Mod, Marchoi Mod, Basodih Bazaar, Nasarganj Mod, Sihas, Kataiya Mod, Bhakhra Mod, Chuapahari, Asanakoni, Pokhardiha.
Where hundreds of workers participated. Also, Dr. Neera Yadav expressed her gratitude and gratitude to the people of Satgawan for the immense public support in the form of votes. He was welcomed by his supporters in Sihas with drums and musical instruments. He went to Jharkhand Central School, Ramdih and encouraged the students and told them that education is the only medium through which knowledge is spread among humans. Students and teachers welcomed Dr. Neera Yadav.
Hundreds of people including Zilla Parishad members Neetu Kumari, Balmukund Singh, Dhananjay Yadav, Anil Yadav, Ashok Kumar, Ranjit Singh, Abhay Kumar, Raja Babu, Rajeev Kumar, Ratan Pandey were present on the occasion.