Raigarh (Chhattisgarh), January 26: In the upcoming urban body elections in Chhattisgarh, the BJP has chosen a surprising candidate for the mayor’s position in Raigarh Municipal Corporation. Jeevadhan Chauhan, a tea seller by profession, has been selected as the party’s candidate for the reserved mayoral position (Scheduled Caste – Unreserved). This decision has reminded people of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s story of being a “tea seller” before entering politics.

The news of Jeevadhan Chauhan of being selected as the mayoral was shared by BJP leader and Chhattisgarh Finance Minister OP Choudhary on his official social media account on Sunday, January 26.

Jeevadhan Chauhan’s Political Journey

Jeevadhan Chauhan is a resident of Railway Colony in Raigarh and has been associated with the BJP for a long time. He joined the party in 1996 and quickly became an active member. In 1998, he was appointed as the president of his ward. Chauhan’s rise within the party continued as he took on various roles, including city minister in 2005, city vice-president in 2006, city general secretary in 2008 and city president in 2011.

From 2023 to 2024, Chauhan also held the role of state minister for the Scheduled Castes Front and served as a member of the district BJP working committee. His long and dedicated service to the party has made him a respected figure in the BJP, and now he is set to contest for the mayor’s position in Raigarh.

Minister OP Chauhary Praises Jeevadhan

Minister OP Chaudhary shared his thoughts on this decision by tweeting on X. He highlighted that Jeevadhan Chauhan, who has been working for the party for 29 years and started as a tea seller, has now been chosen as the BJP candidate for the mayoral position in Raigarh. Chauhan’s selection marks a significant moment in his political career, reflecting his dedication and contribution to the BJP over the years.

He said, “Shri Jivardhan Chauhan, a tea seller and a grassroots worker who has been working for the party for 29 years, was made the Raigarh mayor candidate by the state BJP.”

This surprising yet inspiring story is making waves and adding an interesting angle to the upcoming urban body elections in Chhattisgarh.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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