New Delhi: Launching a blistering attack against the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Manoj Tiwari said that Chief Minister Atishi is just a puppet of Aam Aadmi Party National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal as he is using her as a remote. He also questioned how many temples had been built by the AAP during its tenure.
Statement Of BJP MP Manoj Tiwari
“Nobody is listening to Atishi nowadays, she is just a puppet of Arvind Kejriwal, he is using her as a remote. Arvind Kejriwal was in power for 10 years, how many temples did they build? We are the one who makes temples…if there is even a little bit of ethics left with Arvind Kejriwal and his party…count the total amount that you have paid so far to maulvis and pay that much to pujaris…then we will be on your side…” said Manoj Tiwari.
Accusation Made By CM Atishi Against BJP
Earlier, Atishi accused the BJP of pretending to protect Hinduism while secretly instructing officials and the LG to destroy temples.
Addressing a press conference, Atishi said, “The dual face of BJP is revealed through such orders. On the one hand, they pretend to protect Hinduism, while on the other, they secretly instruct their appointed officers and LG to demolish temples.”
She stated that during a meeting of the Religious Committee on November 22, it was decided to demolish several temples located in West Patel Nagar, Dilshad Garden, Seemapuri, Gokalpuri, New Usmanpur, and Sultanpuri, as well as a Buddhist temple in Sundar Nagari.
“A meeting of the Religious Committee was held on 22 November. Yesterday LG’s office told the media that there is no order to demolish temples. But this is a lie. In the meeting held on 22 November, it was decided to demolish many temples located in West Patel Nagar, Dilshad Garden, Seemapuri, Gokalpuri, New Usmanpur and Sultanpuri and a Buddhist temple located in Sundar Nagari. All this is in the minutes of the meeting. Delhi LG has approved it and now DMs and SDMs are preparing to demolish these temples,” she added.
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