Coimbatore: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Annamali on Sunday participated in a tug-of-war competition in Tamil Nadu Nadu’s Coimbatore. The competition was organised as part of Pongal celebrations in the state. However, what happened next was unexpected.
As both the teams were pulling the rope toward themselves, it got snapped and Annamalai’s team members fell on the ground. The entire incident was captured on camera and then the video went viral on social media. Meanwhile, the BJP leader quickly regained his balance after his security guards jumped in to save him.
Video Of The Incident:
Pongal is a vibrant harvest festival celebrated primarily by Tamilians. The festival marks the season of harvest and is observed with great enthusiasm and reverence for four days. Each day of Pongal has its own unique rituals and significance.
This year, Pongal will begin on Tuesday, January, 14 and will culminate on January 17. The festival aligns with the Tamil solar calendar and starts on the first day of the Tamil month of Thai. Pongal often coincides with Makar Sankranti in North India, Lohri in Punjab, and Uttarayan in Gujarat.
The first day of the festival is known as Bhogi Pongal. It is dedicated to discarding old belongings, symbolising a fresh start. The second day is known as Thai Pongal, It is the main day of the festival, where the traditional dish, Pongal (a sweet rice dish), is prepared and offered to the Sun God.
The third day is Mattu Pongal. On this day, farmers honour their cattle, recognising their role in agriculture. Kaanum Pongal is the final day of the festivities. It is about social gatherings and spending time with family and friends.