Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) convened a divisional meeting in Indore on Friday to evaluate the performance of its MLAs. Ajay Jamwal, the regional organisation secretary for Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, presided over the meeting, laying the party’s focus on accountability and organisational discipline.

Jamwal held one-on-one discussions with the MLAs, reviewing their ‘report cards’ and assessing their performance over the past year. The meeting also served as a platform to relay guidelines from the BJP high command regarding upcoming organisational elections.

BJP state vice-president Jeetu Jirati stated that the primary objective of the meeting was to gauge the effectiveness of the MLAs in serving their constituencies and implementing government schemes. “The state government allocated Rs 15 crore to each MLA for development work and this meeting reviewed how and where the amount was utilized,” Jirati said.

Discussions also delved into the expectations of the MLAs from the party organisation and the government. According to BJP insiders, Jamwal stressed the importance of maintaining strong ties with the RSS and other ideological organisations. He urged the MLAs to prioritise coordination with these groups and give due attention to their representatives. The meeting also focused on administrative functioning.

Jamwal sought feedback on the behaviour and responsiveness of administrative officers toward MLAs and evaluated the effectiveness of state government schemes. “Ajay Jamwal is conducting similar meetings across all divisions in Madhya Pradesh to collect comprehensive feedback from MLAs and MPs. The party is compiling detailed reports on the activities of its public representatives, which would be submitted to the BJP high command for further action,” party leaders said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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