The reason for the bitter taste in the mouth: You must have often felt a bitter taste in your mouth. It seems as if you have eaten something bitter. If the taste of the mouth becomes bitter, whatever you eat will be bitter. How many serious diseases can be responsible for the bitter taste in the mouth? It is generally believed that the bitter taste in the mouth comes when you have fever. But apart from fever, there is another problem whose early symptoms are some of this type. So if you have such a frequent experience, contact the doctor immediately.
In which diseases do the taste of the mouth become bitter?
The bitter taste in the mouth usually comes when you have cold, cough, fever or viral infection. The taste of the mouth may deteriorate even after excessive acidity after eating certain types of food. But in these problems, the taste of the mouth remains bitter for only one or two days. If the taste of the mouth remains bitter for a long time, it can be a symptom of liver related disease. According to doctors, hepatitis B causes bitter taste in the mouth.
An important symptom of Hepatitis B is that the patient’s mouth becomes bitter. Hepatitis B is a liver disease in which there is inflammation in the liver. The taste of the mouth also deteriorates when there is swelling in the liver. If this symptom persists for a long time, it should not be ignored. If the problem of Hepatitis B increases more, it can also harm the liver. According to the World Health Organization, Hepatitis B can be fatal, so do not make the mistake of ignoring its symptoms.
Symptoms of Hepatitis B
Feeling too much tired,
Changes in appetite,
Vomiting and nausea,
Stomach ache,
Persistent headache
Eyes yellow
Measures to prevent Hepatitis B
Always take care of cleanliness. Always eat fresh and cooked food at home. Avoid contaminated water. Always insist on drinking clean water. If the taste of your mouth changes, contact the doctor immediately and get the necessary checked and get the vaccine. This problem can also happen to children, so make sure that all children are on time.