Biotin is also known as Vitamin B7 or H. This vitamin is soluble in water. Biotin is essential for hair, nails and metabolism. Biotin works to convert carbohydrates, protein and fat into energy. Biotin is very important for keeping the body healthy. Lack of this can cause many problems in the body.


Expert advice on biotin

Biotin Vitamin B is part of the family. It is a soluble vitamin. Its deficiency affects hair, skin and nails. In such a situation, let us try to know from the experts which people are the most suffering from lack of biotin. Dr. of Jagat Pharma Parvinder says that biotin works to keep blood sugar under control. Proper lifestyle and food habits can avoid its deficiency in the body.

Which people can have this deficiency?

Pregnant and breastfeeding women may suffer from biotin deficiency. These women require more biotin. Additionally, people who drink alcohol regularly or smoke may reduce biotin levels. In addition, people who take antibiotics also have low biotin levels. People suffering from metabolic syndromes such as diabetes may also lack biotin.

What foods are required for biotin?

Egg yolk, nuts and seeds, bananas and avocado, sweet potato and spinach, milk and cheese are the best foods for eating. If you are lacking biotin or your doctor recommends it, taking biotin supplements can be a good option. But if your diet is balanced and you eat biotin -rich foods, there is no need to take biotin supplements. It is always appropriate to consult a doctor before starting any supplementary diet. Biotin works to strengthen hair and make the skin healthy. Apart from this, biotin also works to increase energy in the body. In such a situation, you can fulfill this deficiency by adopting healthy lifestyle and food habits.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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