The education department of Bihar is often in the news. Because such scams are happening in the education department of Bihar that they do not take long to make the headlines of news. Now a similar incident has come to light. In which the Education Department did something that made the officials feel embarrassed.


A big decree of the education department

It seemed as if there is no teachers in the education department. The teacher who is no longer alive was ordered to take training. This peculiar incident took place in Motihari district of Bihar. The name of the deceased teacher was published in FLN and ICT training given by the Education Department for teachers in Diet at Chhatauni. A five-day training has been organized for teachers from class 1 to 5 from March 17 to 21 under the Sustainable Development Scheme uploaded on the e-education portal by the Directorate of State Education, Research and Training. For this, 250 teachers have been selected from various schools.

Among these teachers, Rani Kumari, who is posted at serial number 22 in the middle school Bhagwanpur Kotwa, who has a teacher code 220602101606, died in the month of December. Family members said that the information about the untimely death of Rani Kumari was given to departmental officers in time.

A shocking incident in Nalanda

A week ago, a physical education teacher was appointed in Nalanda to evaluate science paper in the matriculation examination conducted by Bihar Board. According to the report, Dharmendra Kumar, a PT teacher of Dean Plus Two School Chamhedi, Ekangra, was given an appointment letter by the board to examine science copies. However, the teacher did not take charge and reached the prescribed evaluation center and expressed his disagreement to the Center Superintendent.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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