In a video going viral on social media, a cop from Patori police station in Bihar’s Samastipur was seen engaged in obscene acts with a woman. The sub-inspector, identified as Mohammad Balal Khan, reportedly threatened the victim with a jail term to coerce her into a sexual relationship, promising to help secure her bail. 

The video shows the woman resisting his advances, repeatedly pleading, “Please understand, I cannot do this.” The video has sparked outrage on social media with netizens demanding strict action against the cop.

Watch the video here:

According to reports, the inspector had initially summoned the woman to the police station under the pretext of questioning her in connection with a case. When she arrived with her family, the officer allegedly asked her to accompany him to a nearby house. There, he reportedly assured her he could free her from legal trouble and attempted to force himself on her. The woman, however, managed to record the incident on her phone.

The incident has once again raised concerns about abuse of power and misconduct within the police force.

Samastipur police in a post on X stated that an FIR has been registered in the matter and the cop has been suspended.

“On 03.12.2024, a video of Sub Inspector Mohammad Balal Khan posted at Patori police station molesting, misbehaving and misbehaving with a woman has gone viral. In light of which, an FIR has been registered on the statement of the plaintiff and the said officer has been suspended while taking disciplinary action,” wrote Samastipur police on X.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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