Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia are heavily promoting their upcoming film ‘Sky Force’. In connection with the promotion, he recently reached the sets of the finale of ‘Bigg Boss 18’. But Akshay had to return from there without shooting. Now Akshay Kumar has revealed why this happened.


Akshay Kumar started the year 2025 with the film ‘Sky Force’

Akshay Kumar is going to start the year 2025 with the action thriller film ‘Sky Force’. Sandeep Kewalani and Abhishek starrer this film is all set to release in theaters on January 24. Both Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia are promoting the film vigorously. Both of them reached the sets of ‘Bigg Boss 18’ finale in connection with the promotion. But Akshay Kumar had to return from there without shooting. There were many talks in the media regarding this, but now Akshay Kumar himself has revealed why he came back from there.

Veer Pahadia’s career as an actor started with the film ‘Sky Force’.

Veer Pahadia is going to start his career as an actor in Bollywood with the film ‘Sky Force’. Recently, in the finale episode of ‘Bigg Boss 18’ held on Sunday, only Veer Pahadia was seen for promotion. During this time Akshay Kumar was missing from there. It was said that he had to leave the shooting due to some prior commitments. However, now Akshay Kumar himself has spoken on this issue.

Why did Akshay return from Bigg Boss finale set without shooting?

Akshay Kumar said during a promotional event, “I reached there on time. But he got there late. He had some personal work, so he told me that he would be late by about 40 minutes. But I had to go because I already had some commitments. We talked and I left, Veer was there. However, during the Bigg Boss finale, Salman Khan had also told that “Akshay Kumar himself had come to the set for the promotion of Sky Force, but he was late and Akshay had some important work, so he had to leave early.”

How will the film Sky Force be?

Talking about ‘Sky Force’, this film has been directed by Sandeep Kelwani and Abhishek Kapoor. The film shows the true story of the India-Pakistan war of 1965. Apart from Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia, the film also stars Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur. Akshay’s character in the film is inspired by Wing Commander OP Taneja and Veer is seen in the role of late Squadron Leader Amjada B Devaiah. Sara Ali Khan is playing the role of his wife.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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