salman khan The explosive reality show ‘Bigg Boss 18’ Has created a lot of buzz on the small screen. Not only are fights and controversies being seen between the contestants, but the secrets of their family and personal lives are also being exposed on national television. recently, Chahat Pandey The issue of K.’s secret dating life was raised in the show, which has created a stir among the viewers and fans.

Chahat Pandey’s mother’s statement and beginning of controversy

few days back Chahat Pandey ‘s mother came to the show Avinash Mishra Was called a “ladkibaaz”. He had claimed that Chahat neither had, nor has, nor will have any boyfriend. But Avinash termed this statement as false and said that Chahat was dating someone and she had hidden this from her family.

Salman Khan’s big revelation

In the latest episode of the show, salman khan Chahat Pandey was cornered while reacting to his mother’s statement.

  • Salman said:
    “Your mother gave you a character certificate that Chahat does not like boys who hang around girls. But our team has received some information.”
  • After this Salman showed a photo in which Chahat was posing with a cake.
    • The cake had a design of a couple and it was written: “Five years completed, happy anniversary my love.”
  • This photo created a sensation in the show.

Avinash’s revelation and Chahat’s reaction

  • as soon as I see the photo Avinash Mishra Said:
    “See, I already said it. Everyone knows on the set.”
  • Chahat tried to stop him and refuted the claim, but Salman clearly said:
    “If it is there then it is there, if it is not there then it is not there.”

audience’s displeasure

This promo of ‘Bigg Boss 18’ angered the audience on social media.

  • One user wrote:
    “The makers can go to any extent to make Avinash Mishra look good.”
  • Another user said:
    “Bigg Boss is playing a very dirty game now. It was unnecessary.”
  • Viewers raised questions about the show’s privacy violation and content level.

Will Chahat Pandey be affected?

After the revelation of this personal secret of Chahat Pandey, it remains to be seen what effect it will have on her game and image in the show. However, Salman Khan’s questions and Avinash Mishra’s claims have increased the drama in the show.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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