The contestants of the recently ended ‘Bigg Boss 18’ reality show are still on social media. Last week, there was a topic of a special discussion, Vivian Dasena’s party and Karanvir Mehra not being invited. Now Avinash Mishra has responded to this issue. Avinash said that he did not understand why Karanvir was not invited to the party and it found him a bit strange.

What did Avinash Mishra say about Vivian’s party?

In the podcast of Siddharth Kanan, Avinash said, “I did not understand why Karanvir was not invited to the party.” When I went there, I was only invited, and I did not even ask about the guest list. When he reached there, he spoke to Vivian’s wife, and he told that Karanvir was not invited. To be honest, I did not understand the reason for this decision. “

He further said, “Everyone has their own personal reasons, and I did not ask any question about it. It was the party of Vivian and Nooron, so it was his choice to whom he calls and whom he did not. However, I felt a little strange why Karanvir was not called. If everyone had come, it would have been better, and I did not understand this. “

What did Vivian Dasena’s wife say about the party?

After Vivian Dasena came out of the house, his wife Nuran gave a party, in which most of the contestants of ‘Bigg Boss 18’ attended. Many other faces of the TV industry were also seen in this party. However, Karanvir Mehra, Kiss and Shilpa were not present in this party.

When Vivian was asked about this, his wife replied that the party was a surprise for Vivian. He said that those who had hurt Vivian were not invited to this party.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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