Mumbai: ‘Bigg Boss 16’ fame Sreejita D Sreejita married Michael Blohm-Pape on July 1 in a church in Germany. They shared pictures from their court wedding on their Instagram handle on Friday. He wrote, “The moment it becomes official…! The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. – Helen Keller.”
Sreejita wore a pastel pink satin slip dress for her special day. She opted for a half tied up hairstyle with loose wavy curls. Her then-fiancé, Michael, on the other hand, looked dapper in a beige three-piece suit with a white shirt and pastel-pink tie.
In the first picture, she is seen signing the marriage documents. In the second picture, she and Michael are seen looking at each other. In the third photo, the couple can be seen kissing.
His post was followed by many of their fans congratulating the couple on their new beginning. A fan wrote, “You are looking beautiful.” Another commented, “Beautiful couple, I wish you happiness @sreejita_de A white dress looks great on you.”
He was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Friday.
Sreejita wore a beige overcoat, white shoes and sunglasses, while Michael wore a casual black shirt and track pants.
The two happily posed for the paparazzi as they arrived from Germany, where they married in a dreamy ceremony.