The US Law Enforcement Agency Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued an important warning, asking iPhone and Android mobile users to beware of SMS (Smishing) Text Messages , The FBI has reported that in many states of the US, people are falling victim to malicious SMS (smiling) messages.

The FBI issued an important warning to the iPhone and Android users, saying that if they receive any message with the intention of cyber fraud, then remove it immediately. This information has been given in the Forbes report.

What are SMS (Smishing) Text?
Smashing texts are messages that cyber criminals use to cheat innocent people. In this, they send fake messages and ask for delivery or bill payment, the amount of which reaches the account of cyber scams. This causes financial loss to users. ,

About 10 thousand domain registered:
Reports states that cyber criminals have registered around 10,000 domains, with the help of which many people can be hunted. These new text messages can be easily detected and should be removed immediately.

Its purpose is not just cheating.
The Federal Trade Commission has also warned to be careful with new scams, here the scamsters will not only try to steal your money but will also try to steal your personal information and your identity after clicking on the link.

Scams send false messages to cheat people , In these fake messages, words like bill payment are used. Such messages include words like fine for not making early payments to scare people. This sounds like a normal message, but the link given in the message takes you to a fake website. Users pay, which reaches a cyber fraud and actual bill is not paid. In such a situation, users have to suffer financial losses.

What to do to be careful?
If you receive such a message in India, immediately report it and do not click on any unknown link. These messages can cause financial loss to you. Always visit the official website to pay any bill or parcel.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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