Shamli encounter: A major encounter took place late night in Shamli district of Uttar Pradesh. At around 2:30 pm on Monday afternoon, the Meerut team of UP STF surrounded the miscreants of Mustafa Kagga gang in Jinjana area of ​​Shamli. Meanwhile, in the face-to-face firing, 4 criminals including Ashard, who had a reward of Rs 1 lakh, were killed in the encounter. At the same time, STF Inspector Sunil Kumar was hit by several bullets. Sunil Kumar is currently admitted in the hospital for treatment. A huge quantity of weapons have been recovered from the miscreants.

The doctor declared all four miscreants dead

STF Meerut team surrounded Mustafa Kagga gang member Arshad and his three associates Manjeet, Satish and another in Jinjana area of ​​Shamli. All the miscreants were traveling in the car. Meanwhile, Arshad and his associates started firing. The STF team also retaliated and opened fire. ASP Brijesh Kumar said, ‘Four miscreants were shot in the encounter, while STF Inspector Sunil Kumar was also seriously injured. All of them were admitted to the hospital, where doctors declared all four miscreants dead.

Inspector Sunil Kumar was shifted for treatment

The deceased criminals have been identified as Arshad, who had a reward of Rs 1 lakh, and his three associates Manjeet, Satish and an unknown person. A dozen cases of robbery and murder are registered against Arshad. Inspector Sunil was first taken to Amritdhara Hospital in Karnal, from where doctors referred him to Medanta Hospital in Gurugram. After receiving information about a major encounter, senior officers reached the spot. A huge quantity of weapons including country-made carbines have been recovered from the miscreants.

UP Police killed 217 criminals in seven years

UP Police has killed 217 criminals in seven years. Many figures were presented in the annual report of UP Police from the year 2017 to December 2024. According to this figure, UP Police has seized assets worth more than Rs 140 billion of mafias and other criminals under the Gangster Act.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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