IPL founder Lalit Kumar Modi has received a big blow from the Bombay High Court. The court has rejected Modi’s plea in which he had sought an order to the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) to pay ₹10.65 crore to the Enforcement Directorate (ED). The court termed the petition as “silly” and also imposed a fine of ₹1 lakh on Modi.
Court’s comments and fines
According to news agency ANI, the Bombay High Court clearly said in the order,
“This petition is frivolous and is therefore dismissed.”
Along with this, the court directed Lalit Modi to deposit a fine of ₹1 lakh in the account of Tata Memorial Hospital within four weeks. After depositing the fine, Modi will have to submit its receipt and related documents to the court.
The court also shared the details of the bank for depositing the fine amount:
- Account Number: 1002449683
- IFSC Code:CBIN0284241
- Bank Name: Central Bank of India
What was Modi’s demand in the petition?
Lalit Modi had claimed in his petition that a fine of ₹10.65 crore was imposed against him under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) in May 2018. Modi’s argument was that BCCI should deposit this amount to the Enforcement Directorate (ED).
court decision
The High Court not only rejected this demand of Modi, but also termed his petition as “without any basis”. Along with this, the court imposed a fine of ₹1 lakh on former BCCI vice-president Lalit Modi and directed him to deposit the amount in Tata Memorial Hospital within four weeks.
Controversy continues between BCCI and Modi
There is a long standing dispute between Lalit Modi and BCCI. Modi, who played a key role in the initial days of IPL, later faced serious allegations of financial irregularities and FEMA violations. This incident has further strained relations between the two sides.
Court’s strict comment on misuse of judicial process
The High Court considered Modi’s petition an abuse of the judicial process. This strict stance of the court is a strong message to those who use the legal process to further their personal interests.