Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A confrontation erupted between police and locals in Talaiya area of Bhopal on Monday during a routine patrol. Acting on a tip-off about drug-related activities, a police team attempted to search a house suspected of being involved in ganja smuggling.
However, their efforts failed by the resistance of local women, who prevented them from entering the premises.
Talaiya Police Station in-charge CB Rathore told Free Press that the house in question had been under surveillance for its alleged involvement in drug smuggling activities.
Despite clear information about illegal activities, the police were unable to conduct the raid due to obstruction posed by the women. ‘It is a recurring tactic used by locals to shield the accused. Women from the area start protesting as soon as the police arrive, which not only delays the operation but also provides time for the suspects to hide evidence and flee,’ Rathore explained.
He further said that this incident occurred in Itwara Basti, a locality predominantly inhabited by members of a particular community, which police claim has a history of involvement in illegal activities. Authorities frequently conduct operations in the area to curb such practices.
On Monday, police received specific intelligence regarding ganja smuggling by a family in the locality. However, as the women obstructed entry, the search could not be conducted and the team had to retreat empty-handed but the matter remains under investigation.