New Delhi. Bollywood’s Khiladi Akshay Kumar is once again coming to create a stir on the big screen in his old style. There was a time when Akshay Kumar ruled the box office due to his comedy films. His film ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa’ is still remembered as a classic cult film. Now Akshay is once again coming with his new film ‘Bhoot Bangla’ with a mix of horror and comedy. Recently the release date of this film has been announced.

Paired once again with Priyadarshan

‘Bhoot Bangla’ is being directed by well-known director Priyadarshan. The pair of Akshay and Priyadarshan have previously given hit comedy films like ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa’ and ‘Garam Masala’. These films were liked very much by the audience. Now this pair’s new film ‘Bhoot Bangla’ is once again bringing a great dose of fear and laughter for the audience.

Akshay Kumar started shooting for the film

While on one hand the discussion about ‘Pushpa 2’ is in full swing in the cinema world, on the other hand Akshay Kumar has started the shooting of his upcoming film. On December 10, Akshay Kumar shared two posters of ‘Bhoot Bangla’ on his Instagram account. In these posters, Akshay Kumar is seen standing with a lantern at the main gate of an old haunted bungalow.

Release date announced

Along with the poster, Akshay Kumar wrote, “Today we start shooting for our horror comedy ‘Bhoot Bangla’. I am extremely excited to return to the sets with my favorite Priyadarshan. This double dose of fear and laughter will be ready for you on 2nd April 2026! Till then, your good wishes are needed.” That means the audience will have to wait for one and a half years to enjoy this film.

star cast of the film

According to reports, veteran actors like Paresh Rawal, Asrani, and Rajpal Yadav will also be seen along with Akshay Kumar in ‘Bhoot Bangla’. All these actors have also worked with Akshay in ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa’. However, who will be the lead actress in the film has not been revealed yet.

film production

‘Bhoot Bangla’ is being produced under the banner of Balaji Telefilms and Cape of Good Films. Both these production houses have produced many successful Bollywood films.

Waiting for Akshay Kumar’s return

The announcement of this film of Akshay Kumar is no less than good news for his fans. Akshay has not had any comedy or horror film for a long time. In such a situation, there is tremendous enthusiasm among the audience about ‘Bhoot Bangla’ directed by Priyadarshan.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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