The pairing of Bhojpuri film industry superstar Khesari Lal Yadav and Kajal Raghwani has always won the hearts of the audience. The on-screen chemistry of these two actors has given them a special identity among the fans. Whenever this pair is seen together in a song or film, the audience goes crazy. Recently, another Bhojpuri song, in which Priyanka Singh has lent her melodious voice, is trending on social media.

Popularity of the song ‘Jaani Kar Tu Aana Kani’

The song ‘Jaani Kar Tu Aana Kani’ from Bhojpuri film ‘Nagdev’ is becoming very viral on social media these days. Khesari Lal Yadav and Kajal Raghwani have performed brilliantly in this song. In the video, both the actors are seen in a different style. The song has been uploaded on a YouTube channel called Bhojpuri Cinema Sangeet, where it has been viewed more than 1,11,072 times.

The magic of the voices of Khesari Lal Yadav and Priyanka Singh

This song is sung by Khesari Lal Yadav and Priyanka Singh. His melodious voice has made the song even more special. The lyrics of the song have been written by Shyam Dehati, a well-known lyricist of Bhojpuri music industry. The music of the song is given by Madhukar Anand, who has added new life to it.

Khesari-Kajal’s on-screen chemistry

The audience is liking the bold chemistry of Khesari and Kajal in the song. Kajal Raghavani has attracted everyone’s attention with her very beautiful and attractive look in her pink outfit. The dance and expressions of both the artists are making the song even more entertaining. This song has become the audience’s favorite not only in audio but also in video.

Journey of the film ‘Nagdev’

Khesari Lal Yadav and Kajal Raghwani were seen in the lead roles in the film ‘Nagdev’ released in 2018. Although the film did not receive the expected response from the audience, its songs proved to be a superhit. The film was directed by Dev Pandey, and featured music by Madhukar Anand.

Success of Khesari-Kajal pair

Khesari Lal Yadav and Kajal Raghwani have worked together in many successful films in the Bhojpuri film industry. Their pairing has always been in the news and their tremendous chemistry has made many songs and films hits. Although rumors are heard about these two, it has no impact on their popularity.

Love of fans and success of the song

Fans are always eager to see Khesari and Kajal together. The success of this song has once again proved that this pair is one of the most favorite pairs of Bhojpuri industry. ‘Jaani Kar Tu Aana Kani’ has not only made its place in the list of songs, but has also created a stir on YouTube.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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