The Bhiwandi police have lodged a case against a cloth seller for allegedly selling Siyaram brand clothes by duplicating the company name for personal gain. The company official filed a complaint, and the police have seized items worth Rs 1,55,527 from the accused.
The FIR was lodged by Naresh Wedwal, 31, a resident of Ulhasnagar. The accused has been identified as Yash Pandurang Laygude, 22, who was found selling counterfeit clothes in the name of the Siyaram clothing brand.
The police stated that the accused was selling fake clothes under the name of Siyaram Silk Mills Pvt Ltd at Pooja Collection, a shop located in Lahoti Compound, Kalyan Naka, in Bhiwandi. The police seized a total of 173 boxes of Siyaram clothes worth Rs 1,55,527.
Lahoti Compound is one of the most popular cloth markets in Bhiwandi, attracting numerous customers from Thane and Mumbai city for shopping.
A case was registered on Friday under Section 63 of the Copyright Act. The Police Inspector from the Bhiwandi City police station stated that the accused has not been arrested yet, and further investigation is ongoing.