Bhilai Nagar, 18 September (HS). A young man riding a scooter was hit by a dumper on Monday morning in Jamul village of the district. In the accident, the youth died on the spot, while the other youth riding the scooter is seriously injured.

According to the information received from the police, on Monday, a young man riding a scooter died tragically on the spot after being hit by a dumper near the Durga temple in front of the Bogda culvert under the Jamul police station area. Another youth riding on the scooter is seriously injured, who has been sent to the hospital for treatment. After the accident, angry people kept the dead body on the road and blocked the road. The incident is being reported at 9:30 in the morning. People are demanding that the family of the deceased should be given a compensation of Rs 50 lakh and a government job. As soon as the information was received, Cantonment area’s city superintendent of police Ashish Kumar Banchhor Jamul police station in-charge inspector Yakub Menon, old Bhilai police station in-charge inspector Sharma reached the spot with the police force and efforts are being made to convince the people who are blocking the road.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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