Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), January 27: A significant conference of the Bhartiya Shiksha Board (BSB) took place on Monday (January 27) in Lucknow, chaired by Dr. Suryaprakash Dixit, a respected literary figure and educationist. The event was graced by Dr. Dinesh Sharma, former Deputy Chief Minister and eminent educationist, who was invited as the chief guest.
Dr. Sharma commended the efforts of Patanjali Yogpeeth, the Bharatiya Shiksha Board and its chairman, Dr. Nagendra Pratap Singh (former IAS), for shaping an education system rooted in Indian cultural values. He expressed his belief that the board’s curriculum and structure are so comprehensive and effective that schools will eagerly seek recognition from the board in the coming years.
Dr. Sharma further critiqued the influence of Western educational models, suggesting that they have contributed to the erosion of moral standards and disrupted family unity and societal values. He highlighted the Bharatiya Shiksha Board, founded by the Indian government and operated by Patanjali Yogpeeth, as an ideal counter to this trend.
During his address, Dr. Nagendra Pratap Singh elaborated on the board’s vision, sharing insights into its comprehensive development over the last two years. He explained that the curriculum, which was crafted with input from nearly 2,000 scholars, blends modern scientific knowledge with the timeless wisdom of Indian traditions.
The board aims for the holistic development of students, and its curriculum focuses on a simplified approach while adhering to modern educational standards. Dr. Singh emphasised the importance of providing a well-rounded education that incorporates academic excellence, cultural knowledge, spiritual understanding and career readiness.
Dr. Singh also answered various questions from attendees and provided guidance to schools interested in affiliating with the Bharatiya Shiksha Board.
In his concluding remarks, Dr. Suryaprakash Dixit congratulated all the members of the board and Patanjali Yogpeeth, recognising this initiative as a landmark achievement in Indian educational history.
The event also saw the participation of Wing Commander Pushkal Dwivedi (Retd.), Director General of the Indian Council for Educational Research, who called on all present to actively support this transformative educational movement.
Other notable attendees included Mr. Rajneesh Sinha of Patanjali Yogpeeth, Suresh Pachauri, President of the CBSE Managers Association, Pradeep Agarwal from Vyapar Sadan, as well as prominent members of the Indian Educational Research Council, including Gaurav Pandey, Manikant Shukla, Anand Singh, Rajeev Arora, and others.