Bharat Electronics shares were surging almost 5 per cent after company announced their earning for quarter ended on December 31 which revealed net profit for the quarter under review sky rocketed 47.33 per cent to Rs 1,316.06.
The shares of Bharat Electronics went on to touch the day high level of Rs 292.20 per share on exchanges after hitting the opening bell at Rs 283.90 with a surge of 1.84 per cent on the dalal street.`
Bharat Electronics shares were trading around Rs 290.90 per share on the NSE (National Stock Exchange), with an upswing of 4.36 per cent amounting to a Rs 12.15 per share.
Bharat Electronics Q3 FY25
Q3 FY25 PAT and revenue
PAT (profit after tax) rose 47.33 per cent to Rs 1,316.06 crore. The company’s earnings filing for the same quarter of the previous fiscal year showed a net profit of Rs 893.30 crore.
When compared to the same period last year, the company’s operating revenue increased by 37 per cent to Rs 5,643 crore from Rs 4,120.10 crore. The company reported an EBITDA of Rs 1,653 crore for operating profit, which is 57.5 per cent more than the Rs 1,072 crore reported in the same quarter last year.
When compared to the same period last year, the company’s operating revenue increased by 37 per cent to Rs 5,643 crore from Rs 4,120.10 crore. The company reported an EBITDA of Rs 1,653 crore for operating profit, which is 57.5 per cent more than the Rs 1,072 crore reported in the same quarter last year.
The EBITDA margin increased to 28.7 per cent in Q3—a YoY increase of 330 basis points. Its profit before tax (PBT) for the third quarter was Rs 1,754.15 crore, which represents a 49.64 per cent increase over the PBT of Rs 1,172.26 crore for the same period last year.