Bengaluru: In a tragic incident, a 34-year-old man from Uttar Pradesh, identified as Atul Subhash, ended his life by hanging himself from the ceiling at his residence in Bengaluru on Monday. The police revealed that Atul, who worked in a private firm, left behind a 24-page death note accusing his wife and her relatives of harassment.
In a heart-wrenching four-minute video recorded before his death, Atul detailed the mental torture he endured and demanded justice for himself and his family. One of his last wishes was that his ashes should not be dumped until his harassers were punished. He also said that if that doesn’t happen then his ashes should be dumped in a gutter outside the court for his soul to understand the cost of justice in this country.
Final Wishes Mentioned In The Video
Atul expressed his agony over false accusations and harassment and made several final wishes, including that his child be raised by his parents for a better future. He said that his wife herself admitted that she doesn’t have money to raise her child, hence, she should hand him to his family where his parents and his brother would take the best care of him
He further said that his ashes not be disposed of until his alleged harassers are brought to justice; if not, he wished them to be dumped in a gutter outside the court as a symbolic protest.
Atul then requested that his wife and her family should not be allowed near his body. He also urged that his family be shielded from false legal cases after his death. He also requested his family members not meet his wife or any of her family members without any camera or evidence of meet. He asked them to meet his harassers only at public places, if required.
He also mentioned that judicial probe should be conducted against the judge involved in his case and named a man, Madhav who should also be under scrutiny according to him. He further alleged that he was framed by all these people along with his wife.
Atul’s video, which has since gone viral, showed his frustration with the legal system and included an apology to his parents for the pain caused by his drastic decision.
Details On The Incident
The incident took place in the Manjunath Layout area under the Marathahalli police station limits. Police reports suggest that Atul had been facing marital discord for some time. His wife had allegedly filed a case against him in Uttar Pradesh, adding to his distress.
In his death note, which was also sent via email and shared with a WhatsApp group associated with an NGO he was involved in, Atul provided a detailed account of the challenges he faced. His message included accusations against the judicial system, stating he intended to file complaints against certain judges in higher courts for perceived injustices.
Before ending his life, Atul left a placard in his house that read, “Justice is due.” He also arranged important details on a cupboard, including information about his death note, vehicle keys and a checklist of tasks completed and pending.
Police Investigation Underway
The Bengaluru police are treating the matter with seriousness. A senior officer told PTI that a case would be registered once Atul’s family files a formal complaint. A detailed investigation is underway to verify the allegations and circumstances surrounding his death.
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