The issue is gaining momentum after the suicide of Bengaluru AI engineer Atul Subhash. His mother Anju Modi has approached the Supreme Court for the custody of her four-year-old grandson. Atul committed suicide on December 9 after making serious allegations against his wife Nikita Singhania and her family. After this the demand for justice intensified on social media. The Supreme Court will now hear this matter on January 7.

Petition filed for custody of grandson

Anju Modi has filed a habeas corpus petition in the Supreme Court. He has claimed in the petition that his daughter-in-law Nikita Singhania and her family have not given any clear information regarding the presence of the grandson. Anju Modi alleges that the Singhania family is deliberately hiding information about the grandson.

Anju Modi’s husband Pawan Kumar Modi has also demanded the custody of his grandson several times. He has appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to intervene on this issue so that the safety of his grandson can be ensured.

Nikita gave information about the child

During police interrogation, Nikita Singhania revealed that the child is studying in a boarding school in Faridabad and is being looked after by Nikita’s uncle Sushil Singhania. To confirm this claim, the Supreme Court has issued notices to the governments of UP, Haryana and Karnataka and directed them to clarify the situation.

Atul Subhash suicide case: What is the entire incident?

Atul Subhash, 34, who was a deputy general manager at a private firm in Bengaluru, committed suicide in his apartment on December 9. He left a 24-page suicide note, in which he made serious allegations of harassment against his wife Nikita, her family and others.

  • He alleged in the note that a judge had demanded Rs 5 lakh to resolve the case.
  • After this note surfaced, demands for justice were raised on social media and various platforms.

Arrests and anticipatory bail

After Atul’s suicide, the police took action in this case and made several arrests:

  1. Nikita Singhania: Arrested from Gurugram, Haryana.
  2. Nisha Singhania and Anurag Singhania: Arrested near a hotel in Prayagraj, UP.
  3. The police brought the accused to Bengaluru and presented them in the court, where they were sent to judicial custody.

At the same time, Allahabad High Court has granted anticipatory bail to Sushil Singhania (Nikita’s uncle).

Father’s appeal and demand for justice

Pawan Kumar Modi, father of the deceased, said that his family is fighting for the custody of his grandson. He has appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to intervene in this matter and ensure the safety and care of his grandson.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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